Meet pastor Luis
and his wife Laura

Luis and Laura Briceno grew up in Miami. They have been faithfully serving and being trained for the work of the ministry, in the Tampa Bay area since 2008. In 2019, God began to move in their hearts to start a church in Miami Lakes, that magnifies God and impacts the community through the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.
They have prayerfully prepared for 18 months to plant a brand new independent baptist church and are excited to see what the Lord will do in the hearts and lives of the people of Miami Lakes, Florida.
Please pray for the Briceno family as they endeavor to make a difference for the Lord in Miami Lakes, Florida.
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In-Person Service Times
6842 Main St, Miami Lakes, FL 33014
(use main entrance and take the stairs to the second floor of the Shulas Hote)

What We Believe
We believe there is one true God and that this God has expressed himself in 3 persons (Trinity/Triune God) The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Deuteronomy 4:6; 1 John 5:7
The Bible
We believe the King James Bible is God’s Holy Word that reveals Himself towards man and has been preserved by God Himself. The word of God is complete
(plenary), inerrant, and infallible.
2 Timothy 3:16; John 5:39
The Church
The institution God has put in place where a local body of baptized believers assemble to glorify God, grow, and fulfill the Great Commission given to the local church.
Matthew 28:19; Ephesians 4:12; Ephesians 3;21